Spiral Conveyor with Direct Drive Technology

Eliminate unplanned interruptions with spiral conveyor, increase efficiency, increase your profitability.

Spiral conveyors are critical pieces of equipment for many industries, especially food processing and container manufacturing. The right spiral solution can bring efficiency to processes such as freezing and cooling; wrong solution can stop your whole line. Spiral conveyors are conveyors used to change the direction of lines, to transport products to different floors and to save space. They are used especially in meat and bakery products that require IQF, for cooling products such as various breads. The type and width, number of floors and diameter of the belt to be used are determined according to the product to be transported and the purpose.

Intralox's modular plastic spiral conveyor belts, which we use as INNOVAS, help you:

Minimizes expensive, unplanned production interruptions.
Eliminates complex repair work.
It overcomes product quality and orientation challenges.
Spiral conveyors are designed with hygiene in mind. There are no dirt catch points or small niches to keep the tape free of contamination, and the rod grip areas are designed for fast, efficient and thorough cleaning.