Algida Project

Directing the Products from Algida Cooling to 2 Different Shrink Machines as a 6-Pack

Ice cream boxes were directed to the packaging machines in blocks of 6. Three different box types are assembled with the same gripper without any holderchange.

In this project, carried out in the Çorlu facilities of ALGIDA, 4 different box types of ice cream boxes coming from the cooling tunnel in rows of 3 were directed to the packaging machines in blocks of 3. In the project, the existing system was dismantled and the system manufactured by INNOVAS was integrated. One of the most unique features of the system was that the time spent in product changes was reduced to zero and all box change parameters were made with the recipe method. The measurement differences caused by the excessive cooling of the boxes, which were not foreseen in the design of the system, were observed during the test stages and necessary actions were taken. Continuous and uninterrupted operation of the system was ensured and its installation in the ALGIDA factory was realized. INNOVAS here, instead of traditional robot technology, cooperated with Festo and Boshrexnord and commissioned a cartesian system by operating it with robot automation. System also includes a buffer system to tolerate short stops.