Fat Melting Machine

It is a machine used to melt palm-based block oils and cocoa butter used in chocolate and cream.

Since all kinds of oil with different properties can be melted, it provides a versatile advantage by preventing the purchase of different machines.

Technical information

✓ It is used to melt 30 x 30 x 20 cm fat blocks.

✓ All parts of the machine will be made of 304 stainless steel.

✓ It has a serpentine system for faster melting of oils.

✓ The boiler will be manufactured in a rectangular shape for easy placement of oils.

✓ Base sheet will be 4 mm, side sheets will be 3 mm, covers will be 2 mm, insulation sheet will be 1.5 mm thick.

✓The water circulation system will be made of serpentine sheets.

✓ 3 kW resistance and WILO water pump will be used in the system.

✓ The covers of the machine will be opened and closed with a shock absorber system.

✓ Temperature control will be done with ENDA brand digital thermostat.

✓ The electrical panel will be made of 2 mm stainless sheet.

✓ Boiler outlet will be DN 80 3” flanged pipe. The part up to the flange will have a pipe wall.

✓ The pump to be used in the system will be supplied and assembled by the customer.

✓ Steam and connection equipment that will come to the coils will be provided by the customer.